mediageek 2008-05-16: The Media According to Matthew Lasar

Matthew Lasar is an astute observer of the American media policy landscape. A media historian and lecturer at U-C Santa Cruz, he’s authored two definitive books on the Pacifica Network, and currently writes for his own website, the Lasar Letter on the FCC, and for the tech new site ArsTechnica. Matthew joins me to talk about the importance of understanding media policy and regulation and what he thinks the most important issues are right now.



mediageek 2008-05-09: How the FCC builds its case against Pirates

A little FOIA request made by a northern California student newspaper reveals how the FCC builds a case against suspected pirate broadcasters. I review that curious information, along with other news updates.


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mediageek 2008-05-02: Turning Up the Heat on Martin & Disappointed in NPR

The House Commerce Committee may hold a public hearing on how Chairman Martin is running things at the FCC, while the Senate Commerce Committee unanimously votes to disapprove the Commission’s party-line vote to all but dissolve the cross-ownership ban. I also discuss NPR’s recent ludicrous comments to the FCC opposing protections for low-power FM stations.


mediageek 2008-04-25: The Senate Commerce Committee Hears about Net Neutrality… Again

Hot on the heels of the FCC’s Stanford hearing on broadband network management practices, the Senate Commerce Committee had its own hearing on the issue, with FCC Chairman Kevin Martin in the spotlight to explain how the Commission will guarantee a free and open internet. We’ll listen to some of Martin’s comments, and the grilling he received from key Senators. We’ll also listen to an excerpt from Prof. Larry Lessig’s excellent presentation on net neutrality that he gave at the Stanford hearing.


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mediageek 2008-04-18: Highlights from FCC Stanford Hearing

On April 17 the FCC took another stab at holding a public hearing on broadband network management practices, aka Network Neutrality. This one was arguably more successful than the first Harvard one in Feb., if for no other reason than Comcast didn’t hire people to take seats away from interested members of the public. On this edition of the show we listen to some highlights from the expert testimony. We also hear a little bit of Tim Robbins’ speaking truth to the NAB.


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mediageek 2008-04-11


mediageek 2008-04-04: Comcast Makes Nicey with BitTorrent

A news wrap-up this week: Comcast makes nice with BitTorrent and Chairman Martin wants to nix Skype’s petition for open wireless.


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mediageek 2008-03-28: Making Sense of the Spectrum Auction

The FCC just completed a set of auctions for radio frequency spectrum that will soon be vacated when analog TV goes dark in 2009. Spectrum is the valuable real estate for wireless communications, so the outcome of this auction will have significant long-lasting implications for the future of the internet, broadband and our ability to communicate freely. Craig Aaron, communications director for Free Press, helps break down what happened and what it means.


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mediageek 2008-03-21: Radio and the March of Technology

Andrew O’Baoill joins me for an update on how the Irish state broadcaster is making waves with long wave and a discussion on his research about how new technologies are affecting community radio.


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mediageek 2008-03-14: Translator Stations Threaten LPFM

Brad Johnson, a refugee of Clear Channel, is the man behind low-power community station KQRP in Salida, CA. Unfortunately, because the FCC still considers low-power stations to be a secondary service, KQRP is experiencing interference from translator repeater stations that aren’t originating local, community-oriented programming. Brad tells us more on this week’s show.


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