Posts tagged: mediageek

mediageek 20 November 2008: free103point9 to return to the airwaves

free103point9 is a transmission arts organization that started as a micropower radio station, moved online and broadened its horizons to become a sponsor and creator of sonic art. Now the group is poised to return to the broadcast airwaves after receiving a full-power non-commercial FM broadcast license from the FCC. free103point9 program director Tom Roe joins to talk about the station and transmission arts.


mediageek 20 November 2008 broadcast quality mp3

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mediageek 13 November 2008: The Yes Men Pull Another Amazing Stunt

John Anderson–he of 40+ appearances on mediageek–travels north to be live in the WNUR studio so we can discuss the Yes Men’s latest hoax, distributing over a million copies of their own special edition of the New York Times declaring the Iraq war to be over. Somehow we also manage to dovetail into talk about pirate radio and other media reform topics.


mediageek 13 November 2008 broadcast quality mp3

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mediageek 3 October 2008: Neighborhood Public Radio

Due to being overworked, along with a last-minute pre-emption, this week’s show is an encore edition from May 23:

This week the feature is the other NPR – Neighborhood Public Radio. It’s a broadcasting art project, taking open-mic studios to art galleries to connect with the surrounding community through radio. I had a chance this week to stop in to NPR’s storefront studio next door to the Whitney Museum in New York City, where they’re participating in the Whitney Biennial. In part one of my interview, NPR’s Lee Montgomery tells us about Neighborhood Public Radio, its origins and what they’re doing.


mediageek 3 Oct. 2008 broadcast quality mp3

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mediageek 25 September 2008: A New Beginning

This show marks the debut of mediageek on its new home station, WNUR 89.3 FM in Evanston, IL, broadcasting to the north side of Chicago and the North Shore suburbs. My pal John Anderson guests to help re-inaugurate the program as we review the raison d’ete of mediageek, and new producer Andrew Gothelf shares his own brief experience interning in a commercial radio newsroom that quickly disappeared.


mediageek 25 September 2008 broadcast quality mp3

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