mediageek 12-30-05: Commercial Sponsorhip of Clear Channel’s Madison Newsroom

John Anderson of and Free Press’ Media Minutes is kind enough to join me again this week to discuss the recent naming rights that Amcore bank bought for a Madison radio newsroom. John used to be a radio news anchor in Madison, and nearly worked for Clear Channel’s WIBA-AM, the station with the sponsored newsroom. He fills us in on the details of this situation, and we also discuss how Iowa Citizens for Better Local TV are challenging the license of a Sinclair-owned TV station in that state.

Please be advised that the sound quality of this episode is somewhat degraded, due to a problem getting a clean feed of our audio board, complicated by some inclement weather that was occuring during airtime. The problem should be resolved by next week.


mediageek 12-9-05: The Year in Grassroots Communication

The guest for this edition is John Anderson, producer of Free Press’ Media Minutes and the mind behind We do our annual year in review of what’s happening in the world of media policy, the FCC and unlicensed radio. Amongst the topics we discussed are the FCC’s inaction with regard to a request made by ham radio operators to review Florida’s anti-pirate radio law and the Republican vacancies at the FCC.


mediageek 11-25-05 supplement: More on Pirate Radio USA

I couldn’t fit all of my interview with DJ Her and DJ Him into the Nov. 25, 2005 edition of the radioshow. So here is the rest of the interview, where we talk more in depth about the making of their documentary film, Pirate Radio USA.


mediageek 11-18-05: FCC Harasses Free Radio Station Serving the People of New Orleans

An unlicensed community radio station has been serving the devastated Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans since just a few days after hurricane Katrina. The station has been providing much needed information to residents who stayed or are returning to an area that still has few services. Recently, the FCC visited the station, causing volunteers to shut it down.

In this interview Free Radio Santa Cruz’s V-Man talks to one of the volunteer who sheds light on the real situation in New Orleans.


mediageek 11-11-05 supplement: More with WFMU Manager Ken Freeman

I really enjoyed talking with Ken Freeman, station manager of the great freeform community station WFMU. Our conversation lasted more than a half hour, but there’s only time for half of it during the show. So I decided to make the other half available for download/podcat.

This part of the conversation is a bit more radio geeky. We talk about how WFMU is programmed, and Ken’s philosophy on shifting the schedule around, and asking programmers to take sabbaticals every so often to freshen things up. As a former chair of the WEFT Programming Committee (and college station program director), I’m always interested in hearing how station handle the fact that every station needs some shaking up and innovation every so often.

It’s about 14 minutes.


mediageek 11-4-05 mp3: What’s In Store for Telecom and Media in 2006

On Oct. 31 the FCC approved the mergers of SBC with AT&T and Verizon with MCI. Some of the issues that cropped up with these mergers are also on the table for a massive rewrite of telecommunications law with the upcoming Telecommunications Act of 2006. Marc Cooper of the Consumers Federation tells us more about what we can expect, and what we should look out for.

We’ll also hear an encore of an interview with Aaron Glantz, an independent, unembedded reporter who filed reports for Pacifica radio from Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein.


mediageek 11-4-05 mp3: What’s In Store for Telecom and Media in 2006

On Oct. 31 the FCC approved the mergers of SBC with AT&T and Verizon with MCI. Some of the issues that cropped up with these mergers are also on the table for a massive rewrite of telecommunications law with the upcoming Telecommunications Act of 2006. Marc Cooper of the Consumers Federation tells us more about what we can expect, and what we should look out for.

We’ll also hear an encore of an interview with Aaron Glantz, an independent, unembedded reporter who filed reports for Pacifica radio from Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein.


mediageek 10-28-05 download: What About Low-Power Radio on the AM Dial?

Don Schellhardt is one member of a coalition that has proposed to the FCC that it create a low-power AM radio service. The Commission has decided to open up public comments on the idea, and Don tells us more on what low-power AM radio might sound like.

Read this program’s news headlines.


mediageek 10-28-05 podcast: What About Low-Power AM?

Don Schellhardt is one member of a coalition that has proposed to the FCC that it create a low-power AM radio service. The Commission has decided to open up public comments on the idea, and Don tells us more on what low-power AM radio might sound like.


mediageek 10-21-05 download: Consumers Union Says “Hear Us Now” on Telecomm & Media Policy

The Consumers Union has put together the website to help consumers get educated about the issues affecting their communications environment, and then get active in making positive change. Morgan Jindrich is the director of this effort, and she tells us more about CU’s efforts to improve policy and its current campaign to get the FCC to hold ten public hearings on media ownership before it rewrites the rules again.


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