mediageek 11-3-06: The Continuing Story of WEFT

On this edition we listen to part 2 of my interview with WEFT founding member, Bill Thomas.


mediageek 10-27-06: One History of Community Radio

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of mediageek home station WEFT, my guest for this program is Bill Thomas, one of the founding members of WEFT, and someone who was at the center of the burgeoning community radio movement in the 1970s. We also listen to the results of the Benton foundation and Social-Science Research Council’s research reports on the effects of consolidated media ownership.


mediageek 10-6-06: Shortwave Radio in the Internet Age

My guest for this program is Dan Roberts, producer of the weekly Shortwave Report radio program for the last 9 years. We discuss why shortwave radio is still important even while we have thousands of stations available to us over the internet.

mediageek 9-29-06 broadcast quality ogg vorbis & low bitrate mp3


mediageek 9-29-06: The importance of community radio and the challenges it faces

On this edition we listen to some audio from the keynote address at the Northwest Community Radio Conference, held on Sept. 15 – 17. Karen Toering from Reclaim the Media dicusses why community radio is still vitally important, and Lupito Florez from KYRS, Spokane WA talks about threats to that low-power community radio station.


mediageek 9-22-06: The Negative Effects of Media Consolidation on Women and Minorities

The media watchdog group Free Press just released a research report detailing the rapidly declining rate of broadcast media outlet ownership amongst women and minorities. On this edition we listen to excerpts from a national press briefing featuring the study’s authors, FCC Commissioners Michael Copps and Jonathan Adelstein, Janet Murguia from the National Council of La Raza and David Honig from the Minority Media and Telecommunications Council.


Listen Now – mediageek 9-15-06 – Radio and Revolution in Oaxaca, Mexico


mediageek 9-15-06: Radio and Revolution in Oaxaca, Mexico

A popular uprising is happening in that Mexican state, spurred on by a police attack on striking teachers and the diputed national election in July. Radio and television have become important tool’s for the people in their resistance to the neoliberal state and national government. I’m dedicating the entire program to an interview with Nancy Davies and George Salzman, two Americans who have been living in Oaxaca for the last seven years and witnessing the uprising first hand.


mediageek 9-8-06: broadcast quality ogg vorbis & low bitrate mp3


mediageek 9-8-06: The Fight for Network Neutrality Picks Up

Senators have returned to Washington after a month break back in their home districts. Citizens across the country took advantage of that time to rally their elected representatives to support network neutrality. And now the effort steps up in DC as the Senate considers a sweeping telecom bill that doesn’t yet guarantee internet freedom.

Free Press’ Tim Karr fills us in on the details of the effort to save the internet this fall.


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