mediageek 2007-07-13


mediageek 2007-07-06: Surviving as an Independent Broadband ISP

Volo Wireless Internet provides a unique broadband service to the Champaign-Urbana, IL area, without using phone or cable lines, in competition with some of the biggest telecom companies in the country. Volo’s Peter Folk tells us more about the service, and what it’s like to be an independent ISP competing with the likes of AT&T.


mediageek 2007-06-29: Webcasters & Record Labels Make Their Case to Congress

Webcasters and recording artists and labels made their respective cases on webcasting royalties to the House Subcommittee on Small Business. We listen to excerpts of the testimony. Then we hear about an interesting new zine project and indepdendent publishing house.

Incidentally, I’m always interested to hear about independent media projects of all types, happening anywhere. If you know of anything that deserves some coverage (even your own project), please send me an email to paul(at)


mediageek 2006-06-22: Community Radio in India, continued

We listen to more from part 1 of the Rise of Community Radio in India, produced by Jaggi Singh and Emmanuel Madan, this time focusing on some possible pitfalls and the government restrictions placed on this new service. We also hear about a new bill introduced to Congress that would restore low-power FM, possibly paving the way for hundreds of new community stations.


mediageek 2007-06-15: The Rise of Community Radio in India, Pt. 1

While many of us in North America have had access to community radio for decades, the same has not be true worldwide. India’s government only recently approved licensing community radio stations. In this program we hear an excerpt from part 1 of a series produced by Jaggi Singh and Emmanuel Madan for CKUT in Montreal, exploring the history of community radio in India.

The full program is available for download at the A-Infos Radio Project.


mediageek 2007-06-01: The lost June 1 episode

Sorry that it’s late, but I’m sure glad it was recovered.

Victor Pickard is the guest to discuss the history of American journalism. He questions the received wisdom that the current commercial news system was inevitable, and talks about why and how we can reform journalism.


mediageek 2007-06-08: Brattleboro Community Radio – From Unlicensed to LPFM

My guest for this program is Larry Bloch from Brattleboro, VT Community Radio who shares the story of how that small city started with an unlicensed community station that was shut down by the FCC, and then transitioned to having a licensed low-power station.


mediageek 2007-06-01

Unfortunately, this week’s show is not available due to technical problems. In its place we have an encore edition from January:

On this edition we hear from Brother Los and Rosa Clemente who spoke on the National Conference for Media Reform panel, Make the Music with Your Mouth, Kid: Hip-Hop Activism for Media Accountability.


mediageek 2007-05-25


mediageek 2007-05-18: Why the Internet Is Vital for Independent Media

John Anderson from joins me again this week for a wide ranging discussion on why the internet has been so vital for independent media, and why we need to protect that vitality with network neutrality.

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