Category: index

mediageek 3-25-05 podcast: Free Radio Workshops on Tour

On this program we talk with Stephen Dunifer, of Free Radio Berkeley, about their upcoming Radio Camps, offering a four-day workshop on building and operating unlicensed low-power FM transmitters. The camps will be going on tour this Spring to Madison, WI, and several other locations in the US and Latin America. Dunifer also tells us about FRB’s recent foray into unlicensed TV broadcasting.


mediageek 3-18-05 podcast: Harold Feld of MAP Explains Christian Radio Translator Trafficking Scheme

Harold Feld of the Media Access Project gives us the skinny on a petition by Prometheus and other media reform groups to the FCC demanding a freeze on noncommercial FM translator stations applications in order to halt what they see as a trafficking scam. And, coincidentally, the FCC does it, but as part of a LPFM strengthening effort.


mediageek 3-11-05 podcast: What’s Wikinews? Interview with Wikimedia founder Jimmy Wales.

Paul interviews Wikimedia founder Jimmy Wales about that foundation’s newest project, Wikinews. We also have an update on the Edgewater/Radio Assist Ministries translator scandal.


mediageek 3-11-05 podcast: What’s Wikinews? Interview with Wikimedia founder Jimmy Wales.

Paul interviews Wikimedia founder Jimmy Wales about that foundation’s newest project, Wikinews. We also have an update on the Edgewater/Radio Assist Ministries translator scandal.


mediageek 3-4-05 podcast: Christian Broadcasters Trafficking in Low-Power Translator Stations

mediageek 2-25-05 podcast: Broadcast Flag and File Sharing, Tightening Media Ownership Loopholes, Challenging Indecency Rules

mediageek 2-18-05 podcast: LPFM and LPAM, with or without the Law

John Anderson of and producer of Free Press’ Media Minutes joins Drew in the studio to discuss revamped LPFM bills aimed at restoring all originally intended frequencies for non-profit use. They also talk about new antenna and transmitter technology for part 15 (or not) LPAM broadcasting.

mediageek 2-11-05 podcast: The Myth and Reality of Virtual Reality

mediageek 2-4-05 podcast: The Pre-History of the Internet – BBS Documentary

Our guest is Jason Scott, the curator behind, an enormous repository of text from electronic bulletin board systems and the pre-web internet, and the filmmaker behind the forthcoming BBS Documentary.

mediageek 1-28-05: Former Fox TV Reporters Challenge Tampa Station License

We talk to investigative reporters Jane Akre and Steve Wilson. They were fired from FOX TV 13 in Tampa, FL for blowing the whistle on the station, which tried to bury and change facts on a story on bovine growth hormone (BGH) after being contacted by Monsanto.

Akre and Wilson are challening the station’s license with the FCC, which is up for renewal. They say the station aired known lies about BGH, and therefore failed to act in the public interest.

We also discuss the latest news from the FCC about the departure of Media Bureau Chief Ken Ferree and the Commission’s decision not to challenge the Third Circuit Court decision striking down its revised media ownership rules.

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