mediageek 7-22-05 download: Making Podcasting Easier for the Masses and the FCC Busts Free Radio San Diego

The MP3 files have been fixed due to a problem just discovered — the feature interview was muted. If you’ve downloaded any of the MP3s of this program, you will want to re-download them. My apologies for the problem.

Odeo is a new web-based podcasting application that allows users to easily find and listen to podcasts, as well as produce their own audio, just using a browser. Paul talks to Evan Henshaw-Plath, a developer for Odeo, about this new web service and its implications for more democratic media production.

We also listen to an interview with Bob Ugly of Free Radio San Diego, a three-year-old unlicensed community radio station that was shut down by the FCC on July 21. That interview comes to us courtesy of the V-Man at Free Radio Santa Cruz.

Read the news headlines.


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